среда, 11 декабря 2019 г.

Hello once again! This time we have not one but four topics of discussion. They are: MALL, QR-Codes, Quizlet and AR.
Let’s start with MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning). Its’ main principles are:
-main focus should be not on the device but on the mobility of the user
-we can learn in different environment, social groups, etc.
-learning should be transferred from area to area seamlessly
Mobile device is a great place to study as you always have it with you, so reminders and notifications are used frequently. Mobile platform also is well suited for gamification of education, as games makes us more engaged in a learning activity by user scores for more competitive people and constant feel of progression for everyone.

Next up is QR-Codes.
QR-Codes (Quick Response Codes) is coded link that can be deciphered with your smartphone. And it has great versatility for all kinds of purposes in education, as it is much more convenient that regular links. You can download books or any other information, access tasks and tests or make students use them for quick access to their homework. Honestly, imagination is your limit here.

Moving on to Quizlet.
Quizlet is a great tool for education. With the help of it you can memorize words or any other information and test your knowledge. For example, I used it to memorize hiragana.

And finally, AR (Augmented Reality). AR is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. In education this technology can really change the approach to different subjects, as it allow as to see and interact with many things you cannot bring to a class.

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